30 November 2010

a hazelnut story

here it goes: a layer after layer of chocolate chiffon and hazelnut cream, covered with chocolate and cocoa. the look of it is real tempting, not to mention it's from breadtalk. so as soon as my slice was ready, i thrust my fork through it to know the story inside. :)

like a few parts of a story, i'd say the romance between the layers of chiffon and the buttery cream is the climax. the taste of the fine crumbs and the not-too-sweet cream is pleasurable. the conflict here is the strong chocolate taste. okay. it's not too strong, but as for me, the sort of bitter taste is quite a challenge. it didn't taste bad, though. just that "the sweeter, the better". yes, i always like my cake sweet, but not overly sweet. now my taste buds are craving for some sweet resolution to the bitter taste this story had left. any sweeter cake story to suggest, anyone?

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